Introducing Mini Pie Neighborhood Rides

We’re so excited to introduce “Mini Pie” neighborhood rides: Super short neighborhood rides that give even the smallest of riders a chance to join on their own wheels!

The goal of these much shorter group rides is to give even the smallest riders a chance to ride the entire route themselves at whatever pace they desire. We love (and will continue) our standard group rides of 8-12 miles, but even Pastry Pace can be a little fast for a toddler on a Strider bike! These rides will give everyone the opportunity to ride by themselves if they wish!

Mini Pie rides will also feature longer hang time before we roll out. This is time for the kids and adults to get to know one another, run around a playground, and get the wiggles out! There will be a few extra activities (like chalk race tracks!) to keep everyone excited.

Explore Minneapolis, One Neighborhood Bike Ride at a Time

We also hope these rides offer an opportunity to explore a new neighborhood. We’re starting in the beautiful Windom Neighborhood, and each ride will feature a new setting! Want to nominate a neighborhood? Please do! Use the form below to let us know where future Mini Pie Rides should take place and what parks/shops/routes should be featured.


Bikepacking Door County with a Dog


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