Bria Fast on the South-Folwell Safe Routes to School Project

Bria Fast, Transportation Planner with Minneapolis Public Works and Safe Routes to School Program Manager, kindly joined Piecycle Club co-founders Terri and Levi for a Piecycle Live Chat on Instagram! Watch the full interview below. Scroll down for more details on the South-Folwell project and how you can get involved.

The South-Folwell Safe Streets Project

The South-Folwell Safe Routes to School project will add street improvements to 21st Ave S in the Corcoran and Standish neighborhoods. This route includes South High School, Folwell Community School, MPS Adult Education South Campus and several neighborhood parks. The focus will be on improving safe access to these destinations for people of all ages and abilities. The project will consider various traffic calming measures to achieve this goal.

Project goals

  • Make it easier to walk, bike, roll and take the bus to schools

  • Create a calmer neighborhood street for users of all ages and abilities

  • Improve access to other neighborhood destinations

  • Address traffic safety needs at high injury street intersections

What’s Happening Now: Asphalt art & demonstration projects

A demonstration project will be installed on the project route in June of 2024. This project will test design options using temporary materials. It will be installed at five locations on 21st Ave S. Two of the locations will also include asphalt art murals. Artists will work with students from schools on the route to design and install the murals.

This demonstration project will feature:

  • Two traffic circles – one at 34th St and one at 40th St

  • Curb extensions with asphalt art at 31st St

  • A pedestrian refuge median with asphalt art at 35th St

  • A pedestrian refuge median at 38th St

Photo credit: MPLS Public Works. Pictured: Students and volunteers paint murals on two intersections along 21st Avenue.


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